
Dehumidifying system for half-buried basement walls

Rising humidity rehabilitation and thermal insulation for rooms and basements.


  • Moisture remediation

Solution for

  • Rising humidity


  • Plaster
  • Concrete
  • Brick
  • Stone


In the presence of a basement wall with problems of capillary rising damp inside the masonry, the Diasen system provides for the intervention from the inside through the use of the consolidating WATstop (used in counterthrust) in combination with the anti-salt rendering Diathonite Rinzaffo and of the dehumidifying plaster Diathonite Deumix+, product based on natural hydraulic lime, highly breathable, with an excellent value of μ = 4.
The application of WATstop allows to consolidate the portion of the underground wall degraded by the high pressure of humidity and at the same time permanently blocks its propagation. Diathonite Rinzaffo acts as an anti-salt barrier, and is an adjuvant in the treatment of problems related to humidity, enhancing the dehumidifying action of macroporous plaster. Its breathability characteristics ensure excellent permeability to water vapor thus allowing the correct transpiration of the masonry, and at the same time block the diffusion of salt crystals.
The Diathonite Deumix+ plaster, applied to the previously created scratch coat, thanks to the presence of macropores, allows for an excellent hygrometric exchange with the environment, avoiding the formation of efflorescence and the disintegration of the masonry. The dehumidifying action is also supported by the good thermal performance of Diathonite Deumix (λ = 0.080 W / m K). De facto eliminating the humidity due to hygrometric problems avoids the formation of condensation, the main cause of the onset of mold and unhealthy environments.
This system is the only one capable of combining, in a single intervention, the dehumidifying and rehabilitation capacities with the high thermal insulation power, effectively creating a real energy rehabilitation and requalification system. Consequently, the system guarantees the constancy and continuity of the insulating power, as the moisture will be constantly disposed of and the insulating layer will always remain dry.
To complete the system, the Argacem HP finishing smoothing compound is applied to which the traditional interior paint can then be applied.

  • Sistema deumidificante: il sistema è in grado di risolvere le principali problematiche legate all’umidità di risalita nelle murature.
  • Reazione al fuoco classe A1.
  • Elevate capacità deumidificanti e igrometriche: il sistema è in grado di assorbire e rilasciare fino a 1 l/m² e grazie all’elevata traspirabilità è in grado di bilanciare l’equilibrio igrometrico degli ambienti.
  • Sistema ecologico e naturale.
  • Non necessita di spessori elevati: il sistema si adatta perfettamente alla superficie d’intervento, anche irregolare, evitando le camere d’aria e riducendo gli spessori necessari.
  • Sistema d’applicazione molto rapido (applicazione a pompa).
  • Coniuga le caratteristiche d’isolamento termico con la capacità deumidificante, realizzando un vero e proprio sistema di risanamento e riqulificazione energetica.
  • Sistema specificatamente studiato per applicazioni dall’interno in locali seminterrati.

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