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Cork Based Paints

Diasen’s cork based finishes are the perfect solution to obtain a continuous and innovative surface finish, able to makes unique any single ambient

Solutions proposed of Decorative line allow to realize coatings and finishes with highly versatile both indoors and outdoors, on horizontal and vertical surfaces, without joints and seams. Ecological and high-performance products, suitable on many types of materials and surfaces, such as plasterboard walls or masonry, stairs, bathrooms or shower boxes.

It is possible to obtain shiny or matte effects, in rustic or modern appearance, and realize decorative inserts in many colors. For unique finishes, personalized and with great esthetic impact.

Decork Design

Decorative coating for interior made of cork and water based resins, with high thermal insulating properties, breathable and water repellent. Eco-friendly product designed to create decorative effects on walls, ceiling and floors.

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Decork Façade

Decorative coating for exterior made of cork and water based resins, with high thermal insulating properties, breathable and water repellent. Eco-friendly product designed to create decorative effects on walls, ceiling and floors.

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Decork Alfareflex

White reflective finish for exterior based on cork and water-based resins for external walls capable of reflecting incident solar radiation.

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Decork Mediterraneo

A modern-style decorative cork-based finish from roman and greek ancient tradition. It can be used on walls and floors and allows for a rich repertoire of effects.

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